Even though you may be a manager or supervisor, the likelihood is that your team has been experiencing very similar emotions and worries to you. The difference is that you have chosen to take the role of leader, and with that comes certain responsibilities to your direct reports.
If you are uncertain about the way forward in addressing some of the above concerns of your team, you might want to pay close attention.
Although we find ourselves in level one lockdown, and many of the restrictions to work and income are now lifted, stress and worry may still linger. As humans we tend to prefer predictability and security, both things that remain in jeopardy for many.
When it comes to dealing with feelings of uncertainty and worry in your employees, the advice from Harvard Business Review is to:
Steel yourself: get ready to step up to the plate as a leader by looking after your wellbeing first, and ensuring you have a healthy daily routine to support you in that.
Make a plan: communicate early and often with staff with as much transparency as is reasonably possible, to ensure all possible information gaps are filled, and your people’s most immediate worries are addressed. This can be carried out through a combination of one-on-ones, team meetings and the creation of a team for centralised communication that oversees regular communication to staff via a highly visible communication platform.
Communicate with care: Be consistent with what leadership in your organisation is communicating, be thoughtful and responsive toward what your team may be fearing, be honest while holding the confidentiality of the company in matters that have not yet been given the green light, and be sincere.
Inspire: Use positive, solution-focused language that focuses on the strengths and capabilities of individuals and the team, and highlights opportunities over uncertainties.
Support: Be there for all your team. Don’t assume they will reach out to you if they are struggling. Ask questions and then listen to the answers. Validate their concerns by repeating back what you heard them say and ask questions such as “what do you need from me as your team leader going forward?”. Be honest and genuine about the extent to which you can or cannot meet their needs. If the request is not something you can accommodate, explain your reason and explore what is possible.
Where family is a concern, the right approach may seem less clear. The right answer is really the most straightforward one: Check in with your staff, ask how they are, ask how their family is, and understand where it may be within your power to offer some reassurance or options that may alleviate some of their overall worry load. In this way, even if you are unable to directly help with family related matters, which is likely to be the case, you could give your staff member the support they need to be able to cope more effectively with it, potentially the increased psychological capacity (resilience) to deal with it by, for example, reducing existing work pressure, or perhaps even the opportunity to take time away from work to dedicate to family.
As leaders, though at times you may feel helpless to control outcomes, you truly have great influence over the mindset, outlook and mental wellbeing of your teams.
Do not take that for granted.
Blog by Ance Strydom