
How to Avoid Burnout When You Love Your Job

How to Avoid Burnout When You Love Your Job

“Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life,” or so the old saying goes.

Anyone who runs their own business, or whose art is also their work, will tell you that if you do what you love, you will work every hour that God gives and then try to squeeze in a few more.

It is easy to assume that if you enjoy your work, you will be safe from burnout. But in fact, paradoxically, burn-out is associated with purpose-driven work.

Play, Fun and Flow: What does Mental Fitness look like in 2022?

Play, Fun and Flow: What does Mental Fitness look like in 2022?

For 2022 I have a new proposition.

Forget ‘getting the hard stuff’ done. Postpone your frogs, or just chuck them straight into your out tray and let them croak. Grasp joy wherever you can get it, grab it as soon as you can, and hold onto it for as long as possible.