Eight things I learned on turning 40

Eight things I learned on turning 40

I’m not usually big on birthdays, but I turned 40 last week and it felt like a bit of a milestone.

I’m not depressed per se about almost being middle-aged (I intend to live until I’m 98, so I have a few years to go on that one), but I have spent some time reflecting on how it feels to be on the other side of four decades.

Without further ado, here are my thoughts on life.

Should I stay or should I go now? The science of quitting, and when to do it.

Should I stay or should I go now? The science of quitting, and when to do it.

We are celebrating Platty Jubes this weekend in the UK – the Queen’s Platinum Jublilee.

Seventy years of reign on the throne.

Whatever your thoughts on the monarchy, I think we can all agree that’s a long-ass time to be in the same job. Not to mention a long time to be working at all. Lizzy is 96 and still at it.

It raises an important question. How do you know when to play it like Elizabeth II and stick it out for the long haul, or make like Meghan and Harry and get the hell out of Dodge?

How to Avoid Burnout When You Love Your Job

How to Avoid Burnout When You Love Your Job

“Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life,” or so the old saying goes.

Anyone who runs their own business, or whose art is also their work, will tell you that if you do what you love, you will work every hour that God gives and then try to squeeze in a few more.

It is easy to assume that if you enjoy your work, you will be safe from burnout. But in fact, paradoxically, burn-out is associated with purpose-driven work.

Hold the Bread: Delivering Feedback with Compassion (and no sandwich in sight)

Hold the Bread: Delivering Feedback with Compassion (and no sandwich in sight)

Anyone can deliver good news effectively. But life is full of things that don’t go to plan. Even the best employee will make mistakes, or need coaching to improve. No one is immune from economic or political changes that impact the workplace and redundancy or a necessary but unwelcome policy change could impact any of us at any time.

Play, Fun and Flow: What does Mental Fitness look like in 2022?

Play, Fun and Flow: What does Mental Fitness look like in 2022?

For 2022 I have a new proposition.

Forget ‘getting the hard stuff’ done. Postpone your frogs, or just chuck them straight into your out tray and let them croak. Grasp joy wherever you can get it, grab it as soon as you can, and hold onto it for as long as possible.



Christmas-time brings with it added pressures and stressors that are unique to celebratory events and can pile on top of an already difficult year. Even the hardiest person can feel their resilience wane in the last weeks of December.

Here are some extra, Christmas-themed resilience tricks that may help you to get through to January. Whether you intend to go full ‘Buddy the Elf’ 100% festive, or pare-back your celebrations this year, these tips may help.

How to deal with Loneliness

How to deal with Loneliness

When I was younger, making friends was easy. I wasn’t a ‘popular kid’ at school by any stretch of the imagination, but I had my little group of pals, and always had a ‘best friend,’ or two. We would spend all day together, afternoons at one or the other’s house, and then call each other as soon as we reached our separate homes, talk for hours, and leave the phone off the hook when we fell asleep so that when we woke up in the morning, the other would still be there.

ISO 45003: International Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace

Not the most sexy topic – at least not on the surface – but we reckon there is something very attractive about companies who demonstrate their care for employee welfare. And so do job seekers.

It is therefore with great pleasure that we can share the impending June 2021 release of the first International Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (ISO 45003).